

Switchboard Upgrades & Repairs

Have you had your switchboard inspected lately?
Your switchboard is crucial for maintaining electrical safety in your home. It houses circuit breakers and safety switches (RCDs) designed to protect your property and loved ones.

Since all the power in your house flows through the switchboard, it’s essential to have it inspected and tested by a licensed electrician at least every two years, similar to getting a car serviced.

Our skilled electricians are well-versed in the latest electrical safety standards and regulations, ensuring that your switchboard is up to date and functioning properly. You can rely on us to keep your home safe.
Have you had your switchboard inspected lately?
Our Upgrade Procedure

What should a Modern Up-to-date Switchboard contain?​

A modern switchboard should contain several essential safety devices to protect against electrical hazards. These devices include:
Overall, the purpose of an electrical switchboard is to efficiently and safely manage the distribution of electrical power within a building or facility, while also providing protection, control, monitoring, and maintenance capabilities for the electrical system.