Security Cameras


Protect your home, valuables and family

Ensure safety and security against intruders, even in your absence.
Installing home security CCTV systems safeguards your belongings and premises from burglaries, acting as a potent deterrent against potential intruders.
Antec Electrics specializes in the installation and maintenance of CCTV home security setups, guiding you in selecting the most suitable system for your residence and financial means.

Gain peace of mind with our advanced security camera systems

Installing security cameras offers several benefits:
Overall, installing security cameras enhances the safety and security of your property, provides peace of mind, and offers valuable evidence in case of criminal activity or disputes.

Wired VS Wireless

Safeguarding your residence has become simpler with the availability of security camera systems. Whether opting for wireless or wired cameras, you can keep tabs on your home while away on vacation or during work hours. While you’re at home, the system serves as an additional layer of surveillance for your property.
Wired cameras necessitate more time and effort for installation but provide heightened reliability. On the other hand, wireless security cameras are cost-effective and can be set up swiftly. However, potential drawbacks include network failures and susceptibility to on-site tampering.
Wired Security Cameras
Wired security cameras transmit both video and audio signals via a physical wire to a central hub. The captured footage can either be stored locally on the hub for later retrieval or transmitted beyond the confines of the home through a network. This network enables users to either view the video feed in real-time or access it at a later time.
The electrical power for wired security cameras is delivered through a hardwired cable. This power supply can either originate directly from a power outlet or be transmitted through the same cable that connects to the central hub, known as the Power Over Ethernet (PoE) cable.
Typically, the central hub is positioned within or nearby the home. In some cases, it takes the form of a digital video recorder (DVR) linked to the cameras via coaxial cables. Alternatively, the hub may be a networked video recorder (NVR) system, particularly utilized with newer Internet Protocol (IP) cameras. Instead of coaxial cables, the NVR system employs PoE cables for connectivity.
Wireless Security Cameras
Wireless (and wire-free) security camera setups transmit footage captured by cameras positioned around the residence to the home’s Wi-Fi network, entirely eliminating the need for physical wires.
Upon reaching the Wi-Fi network, the transmitted signal is forwarded to a cloud server, where the footage is available for real-time viewing or stored for future retrieval. Some cameras come equipped with onboard micro SD cards, offering a limited capacity for storing footage.
Key features commonly found in wireless and wire-free security camera setups encompass night vision, two-way audio communication, 2K HD video resolution, and compatibility with voice control via various digital assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant.
It’s crucial to differentiate between wireless and wire-free systems. In wireless setups, video signals from the cameras are wirelessly transmitted to a central hub, whereas the cameras themselves are powered through wired connections.
On the other hand, wire-free cameras operate on battery power. Due to their reliance on batteries, wire-free cameras conserve energy by activating recording only upon detecting a signal. In contrast, wireless systems draw continuous power from the home and can record continuously or be configured to activate recording solely upon motion detection.